The MCIA Intensive Training Programme
Info & Next Courses

Intensive Training Programme
Michael Chekhov Acting Technique
10 modules / one week long = 10 weeks over 1,5 years
This intensive training programme, developed and directed by the internationally renowned tutor, Joerg Andrees, will enable creative artists, actors, directors and performers to use the unique tools of the Michael Chekhov Technique to enhance their creativity in their professional work. Michael Chekhov’s understanding of the creative nature of the human being and the practical needs of the actor led him to find new tools for the creative artist, actor and director. Involving imagination and psycho-physical techniques, Chekhov’s method respects the actor as a free creative artist.
Central to this is the development of artistic feelings on stage and the psychological gesture for creating the character. This intensive training programme offers, in eight one-week modules, a well-structured, practical approach to the tools of the Michael Chekhov Technique. International practitioners and tutors of his method will provide a deep insight into the worldwide understanding of this highly acclaimed technique.
Working on monologues, short scenes and improvisations, the actor will develop creative skills for finding the character both for stage and film. Having completed modules 1-7, the participant may then progress toward a qualification as a Michael Chekhov Technique Teacher by successfully completing modules 8,9 and 10.
About the Course
What we offer is an intensive programme in Berlin for creative artists, actors, directors and performers. searching for new tools to explore their creativity and develop their imagination and sensibility. This training programme is for a Michael Chekhov Technique Facilitator Training, the only one in Europe. It consists of 10 one-week modules over two years and is structured to give a detailed and practical approach to the creative tools of the Michael Chekhov Technique.
Each of the first 7 modules explore specific elements of the Michael Chekhov Technique and is complete in itself. The techniques explored are relevant for both stage and screen performance and not only help develop performance and directing skills but deepen artistic personality and creative abilities.

Exploring the Chekhov Acting Technique
Modules 1 to 7
It is possible to sign up for the first module without having to commit to the full 7 modules. Each module costs € 590.
Each module explores specific elements of the Michael Chekhov Technique, relevant to both stage and screen performers.
Participants will be encouraged to put their training into practice and share the results during feedback sessions.
All modules include classes with specialised tutors in: speech formation; eurythmy and ensemble-movement.
All modules offer optional evenings for individual work. These options give the opportunity for participants to bring questions regarding their work and how the technique might help. Participants can bring questions regarding an audition piece or part or simply how one might use the technique in their practice whatever it may be.
All modules involve music, work with text and work with a scene.
All modules have a “showcase section”.
Guest tutors will be invited at separate times to work with the participants (see the dates).
Training-suggestions and specific tools to work on scenes are given between each module. Questions from this work at home should be brought to each module.
Module 1
FOUNDATION of the Chekhov Technique including:
the threshold; psycho-physical basics (heaviness-lightness-balancing; expansion-contraction); body-mind-relationship; concentration and imagination; the actor’s psychology; Chekhov’s biography and an overview of his technique; work on a monologue.
Module 2
STEPPING DEEPER into the elements of the technique through:
psycho-physical training (4-kinds-of-movement); rounding up the 3-archetypal-phenomena; space and movement; atmosphere 1; imagination; concentration; the actor as a creative artist; new monologue work; how to read and learn the text.
Module 3
atmosphere 2 (objective and individual, qualities); archetypal movements; psychological gesture 1; imagination; concentration; improvisation; the actor’s freedom; work on the monologue for presentation.
Module 4
EXPLORING THE CHARACTER (I) with the Chekhov Technique through:
learning more about psychological gesture 2; personal and artistic feelings; stage business and character work; text and imagination; ensemble-improvisation; actor as player;
working on a dialogue; exploring a part; finding differences between oneself and the character.
Module 5
EXPLORING THE CHARACTER (II) with the Chekhov Technique through:
imaginary body; imaginary centres; stage businesses and time; psycho-physical freedom; imagination and space; acting the text; working on the dialogue; set and stage-businesses; interaction
Module 6
The actor’s creative individuality (higher ego) and the ensemble; Four stages of the creative process; Imagination; The actor as self-director; Working on the dialogue.
Module 7
Pause, tempo and other tools; Bringing the tools together; Imagination; The actor as performer (improviser); Working on the dialogue and bringing it to performance;

Qualify as Chekhov Technique Teacher
After successfully completing Modules 1-7 each participant can decide to continue on to Modules 8, 9 and 10 for Teacher Training, resulting with a Certificate as a MICHAEL CHEKHOV TECHNIQUE TEACHER.
Through the Teacher Training every participant
+ will give a minimum of two sample teachings of Chekhov tools and will get feedback from the participants and the tutor;
+ will prepare other classes and lectures about the Michael Chekhov Technique
+ will work on the biography of Michael Chekhov;
+ will receive individual feedback and will develop her/his personal affirmation for teaching
+ will work with others on the overview of the Michael Chekhov Technique
+ will work on methodical questions for teaching the Michael Chekhov Technique
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
On finishing the Chekhov Technique Teacher Training each participant can book a one-year INDIVIDUAL MASTER CLASS to deepen their experiences. The conditions for the Master Class will be structured on an individual basis.